Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Operator Albaro Albanez has offered to re-design and build us a new website. This was a welcome offer which I immediately accepted. Albaro has experience in web design and I can't wait to see what he has already prepared for our site.

Albaro will have full access to manage and edit the site and I'm sure he would welcome your suggestions for the website. I did my best with the limited website building and hosting knowledge I learned along the way and appreciate that all of you use the site for news and information.

Albaro and I will concentrate on creating a site that will provide current and "up to date" information and resources that can be accessed from our site. As I stated to some in the shops, I was reluctant to put very much information on the site prior to the N.L.R.B. Hearings for the fact that management frequently visits our site.

The new site is still "under construction" and will be launched soon. The "BLOG" has, and is going to continue to get attention to provide more links and "labor related" blog links to zero in on the subject.

Thank's Albaro!

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