Friday, May 31, 2013

Supervisors are ordered to Cease Performing Bargaining Unit Work.

Supervisor Decision 05-30-13 Klibanow

CONGRATULATIONS! * Be sure to note any instances where supervisors are observed performing our work, name, date, time and type of work being performed. Be sure to do your best, be on time, give 100% because management has a habit of retaliating against the membership after losing an arbitration. In Solidarity, President, Pineda


Martin A. Callaghan said...

Brother Pineda:

I just read this ruling and it is an outstanding Award. This Arbitrator was able to see through the clutter put out by management and make a reasoned common-sense decision based primarily on the obvious; that the supervisors could not meet management's efficiency expectations without doing bargaining unit work.

I am also impressed with the fact the this arbitrator wrote as part of the ruling that she will retain jurisdiction for enforcement of the Award. Great work by you and your team! Thank you for sharing..

Chuck Reney (union Guy) said...

This another example of good record keeping on the part of our people and its another step towards keeping our jobs safe !

Anonymous said...

Hey Ronnie here is a question if Leon & espinoza say a 5 man crew "works" ...why is it that they needed help lining up the press from the supervisors ?

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