The Officers of GCC/IBT Local 140-N filed civil lawsuits on behalf of its members against the bargaining unit employees that have refused to abide by the contract between the Union and the Company. The contract states that as a condition of employment, bargaining unit employees pay monthly dues to the Local. Regardless of whether a bargaining unit employee chooses to join the union or not, they are still required to pay dues under the contract.
The option of becoming a "Beck Objector" allows bargaining unit employees to pay a lesser amount and waives membership in the Union. Beck Objectors cannot attend meetings, vote on Local business or in elections, nominate candidates or run for Local Office. Beck Objectors must be current in dues payments and in good standing in order to become an "Agency Fee Payer" The Freeriders that have never paid dues to the Local are not recognized by our Local as Beck Objectors and owe the full amount of $60.00 per mo. for each month owed.
As a result of our filing, Lee Carey and his FREE legal team have filed a motion with the NLRB to reverse its dismissal of Lee's attempted de-authorization election. The National Right to Work Foundation is funded by donations from Major Corporations and Anti-Union businesses, quite possibly even Tribune, representing employees that cannot afford legal representation. Lee's refusal to pay dues under the contract has cost the dues paying members over $30,000.00 plus! That is your dues money that could be used to benefit all of the membership in numerous ways; instead of spent foolishly fighting eachother only benefiting our Attorneys!
A de-authorization of the union security language would no doubt cripple the Local financially making it impossible to defend the contract when the company chooses to violate the agreements contained within it.
In Solidarity,
Ron Pineda,
GCC/IBT Local 140-N
1 comment:
Well I must say it's about time !!!!
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