Sunday, April 18, 2010

Terminations and Recalls

The Union was notified on April 13, 2010 that letters were mailed to employees notifying them of changes to their employment status. James Abel, Jimmy Coates, Richard Gonzales and Roger Dolan were informed that they were causing a hardship on the company due to their absence and that they needed to be replaced. (What about the hardships this company is going to cause these men and their families?)

The company informs them that when they are fit for duty , they will be placed in a company job search which is a farce simply because not a single person placed in this program ever get a job elsewhere and all are terminated when the month expires. This is how they avoid being sued for firing people while they are disabled! You do not get paid while in this smoke screen job search either.

Recently laid off employees Paula Henley, Jack Strickler, Leona Autor and Wayne Padleford received letters informing them of their recall to work. Keith Hutchins and Albaro Albanes received "conditional" recall letters in the event that any of the four recalled cannot comply with their recall notice at this time.

Obviously we are having our Attorney review the situation to insure that none of our members rights are being violated and that no laws are being broken by the company's actions.

Congratulations to those returning to work. I only wish you were returning to an environment that welcomed you back for your talent and not only because they are kicking others out the back door while you enter the front.


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