Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who's Next?

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Has any one noticed how the company has allowed division to be prevalent from one plant to the other, a divide and conquer system for many years? We have two plants with two totally different management styles. We all know it and it has worked to some degree. How do we feel that our friends for many years are being laid off with nothing? I bet a lot of you are just glad it was not you. But, can someone please tell me what's so good about this place since the Tribune and now Zell have taken over the paper? You guys who are still on the fence, were you one of the companies special pressmen that they wanted to protect in negotiations? We know we have lost a lot of good people over the last two layoffs. As good as some were, this paper has yet to miss a delivery when they or your good ass was gone, vacation, sick, or whatever. Most of us grew up in the 60's and 70's, where brothers helping brothers. We all pulled together to get the job done. We are still our brothers keeper...I still think so. Right now, this country has lost it way. We no longer think as we, but, me. Really, can you honestly tell me or anyone what this
new regime has brought to you. We have newspapers failing all around us but, we could not pickup one or two products. Maybe if they concentrated more on that verse eliminating jobs or fighting to get the union out, they could. You sit comfey because of your seniority number and don't want to get involved but, we are all involved...up to our neck. That security you are afforded by this contact, as weak as it is one reason why. This regime has taken us for granted. All the many years of sacrifices we have all made, missing, holidays, kids games, family get togethers, and sickness. Some people think we are paid too much but, they are not here on those missed days with our families. And yes, we have been paid well but, so have they. The current situation at this company was not brought on by the union. We just wanted the slashing to stop to get some type of security. We are fighting the corporate greedy giants all over this great country. This company has been poorly managed over the years. All that money spent on road shows, private meetings with supervision all to stop us from having a right given to all in this America. That my friends was not even needed if in fact the company was treating us so well.

Yes, some people are thinking of their own gain. But, how does that effect you and me? I put in an honest days work for a customer who I can neither see nor talk to and this does afford my family the necessities of life. Don't lose your integrity. We all need to pull together. This union is here now, and I hope to stay for at least two and a half years hopefully more. Let's all make the best out of this situation, you might like it down the road. United we stand divided we will fall. Recognize who is on your side...your fellow workers as neighbors are. The tactics this company has used, have misfired thus far but they have devastated a once grand paper and our friends lives. Who's next? We must stand together and support our brothers and sisters as ourselves.

Be at the Rally!!! March 30, 2009 at 11:30am. I will!

Your Brother in solidarity
Keith Denson

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