Dear Brothers and Sisters:
After several meetings with the Times there has been very little in the way of making progress. The Times and their mouth piece continue to come to the bargaining table and claim they are negotiating in good faith and will continue to negotiate in good faith.
Their definition of good faith bargaining is to reject the union proposals and suggest that their proposals are in line with the company’s direction and the need for flexibility.
On February 17th they claimed that they have to cut $1.8 million from the pressroom bargaining unit and wanted us to suggest how it was to be done. On March 3rd they told us that there would be 31 lay offs in the pressroom, 4 of which would be utility employees.
These layoffs are to be effective March 28th. The parties have made proposals for buy outs and at this point the Times last proposal was nothing more than an insult to its workers.
They have mandated that buy outs must be negotiated and accepted by March 13th or the lay offs will take place on March 28th and they will be done by seniority.
We, the committee feel it is time to have a meeting with all the bargaining unit employees and get your input regarding this issue as well as others.
Listed below are the date, time and place for this meeting. There will only be 1 meeting so we ask that you please attend this very important meeting to discuss our future.
Sunday March 9th 1:00 PM
GCC/IBT Local 404
518 West Duarte Road
Monrovia, CA. 91016
Sincerely and Fraternally,