Monday, July 28, 2008
Close, but no cigar!

Friday, July 25, 2008


The First Annual Save Our Trade "BIG CAJONES" award goes to................?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Editorial Meeting with the Teamsters

I would describe this afternoon's meeting as a great start. I was reminded of our early organizing meetings, and where we are today. I have no doubt, another negotiating table is already waiting!
Our Organizer Marty Keegan opened the meeting explaining what role the Teamsters would play in organizing our Editorial department employees and the role the employees must play in order to successfully protect their interests.
Wrongfully terminated, Santa Barbara Newspress Writer, and former Los Angeles Times Writer, Dawn Hobbs attended this evening's meeting to address the attendees and give her personal account of what has taken place in Santa Barbara and the role the Teamsters have played during their ordeal. A video was shown highlighting their struggle against Owner Wendy McCaw and the numerous actions taken on behalf of the writers. Along with the Teamsters and Attorney, Ira Gottlieb, the writers have won in the NLRB and in Federal Court, numerous ULP'S (unfair labor practices) and Court rulings, including the decision ordering Wendy McCaw to reinstate these terminated writers with full back pay, benefits, and contributions to their retirements. "We knew the Teamsters were the right Union to represent us, and there was no other choice" Dawn Said.
I was very pleased to meet everyone who attended this evening and look forward to meeting many more of our colleagues from editorial very soon. This meeting is one that I have looked forward to in anticipation for quite some time now. I was invited by Marty to share our experiences in organizing our pressrooms and also gave a brief summary of negotiations.
A point I clearly made was that together, with Teamster representatives, we can both increase our ability to negotiate fair collective bargaining agreements, and effectively support each other during negotiations. I also pledged our assistance and support to get their organizing campaign off the ground and to help"immunize" them from the union busting tactics the company used on us, and will most likely begin to force on them.
I again used Newsday as the model for what we can, and should seek to accomplish here at the Times in order to deliver Sam the fight he deserves. The Teamsters represent the pressroom, editorial, machinists, mailers and drivers at Newsday. This is our goal, unfortunately minus the drivers. Best of luck and prayers for all of them and their families, we consider them family first, longtime friends and Teamster brothers and sisters.
The meeting closed with the understanding that a decision has to be made as to who will represent their interests at the table, and a future meeting soon once that decision is made, should that decision be Teamsters. The attendees will be communicating with their colleagues to arrange a meeting amongst themselves to reach their decision.
As many of you already know, The L.A. Times failed to re-new their contract with Ryder, again affecting the men and women formerly employed by the Times to deliver our newspaper. That decision left us wondering, was this purely economics or the company's way of reducing Teamster presence at the paper? Sam Zell doesn't want you to organize, and he certainly don't want you to organize with the Teamsters.
As reporters and writers, you are the Los Angeles Times, it all begins in the newsroom.
Thanks to the InkstainedRetch for making the meeting information available online and for encouraging this movement. I acknowledge that the Retch is neutral, and also acknowledge the contribution Tell Zell has provided to all of us.
Ronnie Pineda
Survey Results Part 2
6. Senior Management , (Execs. VP's etc.) staffing levels are:
% of Respondents
Number of Respondents
Sufficient for the size of the operation
Low, we need more executives
bloated and over paid and elitist !!
Ineffective and not true employees as most have come from outside of company in last 3 years. Too new to have buy-in to past company culture.
Publisher and next level of leadershipt haven proven to be impotent and incapable. Why haven't they all been replaced?
There are some extra VP's that can be cut. Not the real personnel who are getting the paper out on deadline.
too new to the newspaper industry to understand news and the relationships within the areas served by each paper.
Way bloated. How can we make two VP's a week and still be in "Right sizing mode"?
We could save a lot of money by downsizing idiots who can only think of shrinking the paper and reducing the newsroom.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
7. Do you think Senior Mgt. is over compensated for the job they do?
% of Respondents
Number of Respondents
Yes, Corporate wages are out of control.
No, they earn what they are paid. We are the ones that are overpaid.
Don't know how much money they actually make.
don't think this is the issue...the issue is how they are treating the staff and what they are doing within the business units.
Let's outscource their jobs to control costs. Some workers in the Phillipines or India couldn't hurt.
Yes, they are over compensated when they have failed as most of them have. Disclose what these new Zell executives are being paid or promised? Are they bigger partners/owners than we unrepresented partners/owners are?
YES. They have always been over compensated.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
8. Do you think it makes business sense to promote executives at a time when long time workers are being laid-off in masses?
% of Respondents
Number of Respondents
No, especially because workers are losing jobs!
I think upper management is making poor choices in hiring the right people for upper management positions. The company is headed for a lawsuit the way upper management is treating "the new employee owners"
Stop hiring high-priced Clear Channel executives.
they get fat wallets from our blood and sweat
We are fireing all of us . Hell why not sell the Square, no on works there any more.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
9. Do you think Senior Mgt. considers it's employees and their families when making major company decisions?
% of Respondents
Number of Respondents
No, they only care about themselves and their families.
Yes, you would hope so.
No - the level of self-interest in high levels of this company is appalling. Repulsive.
They care about some employees i.e. their pets; others they kick to the curb.
They don't care about anyone. It is so scary that they would cut their best friends throat in a minute if that would promote them to the next level.
They have a job to do per Sam Zell. If they don't meet those instructions, they to can be eliminated.
They make decisions based on business needs, not employee needs. What an entitlist question.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Page 4. If I really owned this place...
1. If I really owned this place, I would......
give Sam Zell a free hand to hire and fire.
Hire top personnel who know what the mission of a newspaper is and kick the greedy so-and-sos who control this place to the curb.
find a local owner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. I would appreciate the people who work here and create an environment that enables individuals to contribute from a position of true ownership. 2. I would demand supervision be responsive and respectful to employees and their concerns, and visa versa. 3. I would take employee input seriously and explore all ideas to grow the business and reward efforts above and beyond expectations 4. Fire Russ Newton and Johnny Walker!
sell it to David Geffen.
Fire all of the incompetent Managers that are at both OLY and OC facility.
sell some fucking ads instead of fidgeting with editorail content
Get rid of Zell and most Tribune executives.
Rethink the entire newspaper position. I would continue with cost efficient moves with respect to employies and their families. I would create a newspaper that promotes editorials and give readers what they want. Not the continuing reduction of our papers news,stories,and editorials.
Stop the bonuses and stock options to Management.
hopefully sell the Los Angeles Times to a more local owner that would keep the paper like it is, giving our readers and advertisers one of the best newspapers in the world. I would also give the "employee owners" more respect and more of a voice in the direction and decisions made at all levels. I would also get word to management to quit playing games and bargain with the union Pressroom members. I would cut out all bonuses to all employees and allow access to all salaries company wide. As an "owner" I should know what someones salary is in all areas, from the top to the bottom. Lastly, I would take distribute the money in the Pfafinger foundation to all former Times Mirror employees ,past and present ,based on years of service. I think were going to need it.
... get more reporters into the Greater L.A. communities we're supposed to cover and make the paper relevant to our readers ... insist on TIMELY reporting so we're the ones who break the news, not chase it; this is especially important for our stories online ... give plant employees a lounder voice to educate management and an ombusdman to see their ideas to fruition
make sure that journalists are running it at every level and sell the paper to a local private owner who appreciates its contributions to the LA community,
fire sam zell.
make it a plaesent place to work .
1.More local coverage of high school sports 2.Cut the number of V.P.s by combining their assignments 3.Fire Hiller replace him with a publisher with a So. Cal background 4.Return the company to more of a family friendly place to work by having BBQ's at the beach or a park 5. Support employe days at Santa Anita or Dodger games 6. Bring in more printing or stuffing jobs into the plants 7.Create a better 401K plan for retirement.
like into what readers and advertisers want
hire more pressmen , so the work can get done more safely and our product would look better to our readers.
fire Sam
sell it
Be highly involved with the community at large . I would want the people that I expected to buy my paper have a sincere trust in me so that my paper would be trusted to be one that gave the whole story and from a unbiast position. I would work to keep people more people employed maybe look at heavy supervision , sometimes If I had to lay off someone I could lay off one manager and keep three productive employees . What a concept ?
I would fir all the assholes
I would consentrate on the workers and not on bonuses for upper management.
I would put a cap on executives compensation so they could not walk out the door with millions or earn multi millions while others are being let go. If the company has to let people go then it should not be giving raises. I would bring back company provided retirements instead of 401k's or ira's. Our insurance premiums and co-pays would be lowered back to how they used to be and the prescription service changed back to using our own pharmacy instead of mail-in.
GIve Sam a raise.
aggressively promote the newspaper and its employees
invest in quality products and people that provide content that our readers really want.
Get read of the top mng
I would hire people,i would compete,i would fight for are market share.
do all I could to restore the journalistic excellence, increase the community pride and stewardship in the paper, and continue to innovate to meet the growing needs of the diverse Southern California community.
Limit the amount an executive recieves to one years salary when leaving the company. Bring back paperboys hawking newspapers during rush hour, and even add an afternoon edition, as a method of increasing circulation.
get employee input on all decisions
asking employees for there ideas not just via email as we all don't have email with the times. how come we have 7 reelroom coor. and we dont have enought staff for OC.
freez all management pay and re-evalutae employee pay......eliminate supervisors and leads and have the managers pick up the work load
Fire much of the management, realign salaries, promote those left out in the cold, and NOT incentivize kiss asses.
Try and turn the paper into a most wanted reading implament
put more faith in the employees, lay off half the supervisors, and fire all the senior management.
start at the top
bring back more local news to the oc sect. and the ie sect. so that readers in that area really had a paper that they would want to identify with. and send out surveys to past subscribers to find out why they quit the paper and ask them what they liked or disliked about the paper. I also would take a close look at what the compensation packages of the senior management employees are. and last I would really listen to all of the current employees and find out what they think could turn this paper around, after all we have alot of 20 plus year people employees here. it might be a good idea to listen to them, not just be concerned with the next rent check.
not have sold it to Sam Zell
fire john walker.
listen to the employees. Learn from their ideas and compensate them like we did before. Get rid of the extra luggage by sitting in with each department and make sure that the time is being utilized in a proper manner.
quit wasting money and shrink management and realy communicate with the employees
I would eliminate the dept manager position.
Stop the Corporate control of the news and start truly informing the public to think critically and stop the dumbing down with Fluff, Celebrity Worship, and infotainment that is rotting America and reducing us to a Third World Soap Opera.
treat all everybody fair . and with respect..
More local news ! Hell were zoneing the shit out of everything why not the sports pages ? and less Lib context in the news , save thet for the editorial page , Im so sick of reading the body count out of Iraq that Quotes the same damm web sight thet tell Me in every article How maneyHave been Killed in Iraq. Every Day we read that crap, to the point no one reads it any more and that is truly sad because the War, and it is a War is not being reported. just Propandga.
not panic and have a true financial gameplan
Take care of my employees
make this the paper it once was a great paper a paper for all to read that surpast all other papers againwith great sports not telltape great editorial ad like guns and anything that any body want to advertise in our great paper show freedom of speechand freedom to print what would make us great again
close oc and fire all management and rehire.
Make a valient effort to improve employee moral in these trying times. It's our only hope. I would also hold people accountible for their work or lack there of. There is no longer a place for slackers, doo-dahs, numb nuts, slugs, weenies, or whiners in this company. We are all making pretty good money. We need to be professionals and all pull together as a team and make something happen in our perspective areas. Or get out. The decision should be an easy one.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Boned Again By the Times!

Brandt Bros. and Fox will never compare to these men and women that have proven for decades that they are the best at what they do, and that is deliver the L.A. Times. Too bad they are again being under appreciated for their irreplaceable contribution to this company.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Survey Results Part 1
1. Do you think Sam Zell is the right owner for the Los Angeles Times?
Hell no!
I feel that the owner of this paper should be someone concerned with this community and that would want to use the power of this paper to make a mark on this community
It should be local owned......
too early to tell
no, should have local ownership
Cares about his Billions and nothing else.
I truly believe that Sam Zell has no interest in restoring the Tribune Companys.He once stated that "we must sell our logo its all we have" Now he wants to sell the two most important properties in the Tribune Co.He will tear this company down to nothing and profit from it all.
doesn't give a shit about anything but money
i definitely dont he only cares about the real estate profit and not the people or the la times as a great newspaper
He can care less about the employees. He's an INVESTER. That's how he became a billionaire.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Yes, afterall it's an ESOP
No, we can trust Sam
I dont think that any times or tribune excutives should be on any commity like this
You need someone who knows what is happening in the inside.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Yes, he has to pay his bills.
NO, He said "You own this place now"
He's Sam Zell. he's going to do whatever he wants, as long as it makes him richer.
How about upper management take a cut in pay, to save money.
no how can he borrow my money without my permision ?
Should have never been allowed to leverage so much debt to buy Tribune.
we dont own shit zell could give a shit about you or me
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
4. Newsday has been sold, would you like to see Sam Zell sell the L.A. Times, preferably to a local owner.
% of Respondents ------------------Number of Respondents
No, Sam Zell is a good owner for the L.A.Times
Yes, the sooner the better!
yes, put the times back to local ownership. the times on its own can make a profit to substain it self. and we can go back to being one of the great news papers in journalisms we once were.
Sell it to someone who knows about the newspaper.
sooner the better so our paper can be great again since the takeover of the tribune the great la times hit rock bottom at our cost
We should be owned locally. Chicago and Zell hates the west coast culture.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
5. Do you think Sam Zell was dishonest with the employees at the L.A. Times when he visited in February?
% of Respondents ---------------------Number of Respondents
Yes, he said he did not agree with Tribunes business model of cutting staff to incure savings.
No, he was honest and sincere.
He may not have been apprised of the big picture.
He was honest to a point,but how do you change anything when leaving the same cut first people in charge of growing your business
He"s a thief
I wouldn't use the word dishonest. Ignorant fits just fine. But it feels about the same either way.
Like he said he is a "business man " bottom line that speaks volumes
waiting to see
Wall street called the shots that destoryed us, now the Bankers are doing the same song and dance.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Survey Results Coming Soon!

Although this survey was a breeze to create, finding the best way to make the results available online haven't been. The results I previously posted had to be cut and pasted onto the blog, then I had to lay it out on the page. I hope I don't have to do the same for all the results, but if I do, I will.
You will have them before the weekend is over.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Up to Speed with Sonny Shannon

Sonny brings a strong presence to the table and is sincere in his service to our bargaining unit. The negotiation committee has put it's full confidence in both Sonny and Mike Huggins without reservation.
Both of these men have proven to be committed to our bargaining unit and have convinced the committee that we indeed have the best representatives in the business. I think those of you that met him yesterday would agree.
Topics discussed were related to current production raises. An information request pertaining to the raises was presented at negotiations on July 9th and the company was not prepared to respond to our information request when we met again on July 16th.
We expect to receive that response at our next meeting.
Sonny explained our decision to contact advertisers and to run radio ads as well as their effects.The company's bargaining style does, and will determine whether or not we continue these type of actions to increase our position at the table. We presented language to create an evironment of cooperation in bargaining which the company representative stated they could agree to in concept. We have agreed to bargain from a position of "Mutual Interest"
If we stay true to this concept we will reach agreements that will provide both sides what they each need, and not necessarily what they each want. We will attempt to reach agreements and create the language to reflect those agreements, hopefully resulting in a contract sooner than later.
Many complaints were heard about evaluations that were given in which great disparitys between these evaluations and past evaluations are evident. We have addressed this at the table and will continue to do so. We do not agree with this process because it continues to cater to favortism by those who evaluate.
We also delivered your complaints about supervision's inconsistant placement of presspersons added to a crew when the absence of a crew member occurs. In the event of a vacancy on a crew, regardless of the reason, additional personell has historically, according to their model, gone to the bottom of the crew and the members on the crew move up until the vacant crew spot is filled. Our SVP's response was that they have always had the right to put replacement crew members anywhere on the crew based on production needs and the individuals skills. I strongly disagreed and told him that the reasons explained to those who complained were told "thats the way it is, and that's the way it's going to stay. Nothing about production needs or skills.
I don't think this will be the end of this subject.
Our next negotiations are scheduled for July 30th and 31st.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
what ! More of the same !
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another Debt that won't get paid!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Union Chapel Meeting

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Negotiations Update

Our first order of business was to address the merit based wage increases currently being given to production employees. The company representatives explained that the raises are a new merit based wage increase "HYBRID". HUH? Yeah we were puzzled too.
We have given an information request to the company pertaining to the wage increases and informed them that we would accept a wage increase along with all production employees as was done last year and will continue to bargaining wage increases in the interim.
We will have more on this matter at our next session on the 16Th when we receive their responses to our info request.
"ScabSchool" is what our representative Sonny Shannon called managements paster make-up training on Tuesday morning. As far as supervision learning to make straight-line paster make-ups, we were told it was for training purposes. The company's lead negotiator reiterated a previous statement he made months ago that the company will do whatever it needs to do to get a newspaper on the street. That lead us to believe that management was concerned over a suggested "sick-out" on Wednesday, July 9Th posted on inkstainedretch's TELL ZELL blog, and the possibility that we may, in sympathy, participate in this sick-out. I commented on this type of action, and the dangers they pose to employees on Ed's blog and Tell Zell. Can you say Paranoia?
Again, the issue of assigning presspersons on crews in the event of absences was addressed. It was the company's original model that when an individual on a crew is absent, all crew members below the absent individual move up on the crew ladder until the absentee's position is filled. Presspersons added to the crew after this climbing procedure, back fill the vacant positions vacated by the crew members that moved up. We asked that the supervisors at both plants adhere to this process. Names of affected employees and examples were given to management to investigate. Seniority must be honored in placement on crew when multiple positions on a crew require back filling with the most senior filling the higher vacant spot until all crew positions are staffed. Company response to follow.
Some good news for the Mitchell Family. As some of you were made aware from a previous post, brothers Myron Mitchell and Otis Miller were force transfered to Orange County as a result of the recent pressroom buy-outs. Both Myron and Otis reside in Palmdale which is approximately a 2 hour drive, one way. The commute and fuel prices forced these men to remain close to the plant and share a room locally, and to my surprise, occassionally, sleep in their automobiles. In Myron's case this will change as he will be returning to the Olympic Plant on Thursday July 10th. I would like a volunteer from L.A. that resides near the O.C. plant to consider transfering down to O.C. to allow Otis to return to Oly, and like Mitch now, return to his family nightly. Contact me if you would be willing to exercise your compassion for a brother and his family.
There were a couple of other housekeeping issues, one, regarding my crew specifically and a fellow crew member's ability to float vacation days.
Contract language update to follow (all good news), I really need some sleep! Come back to this post later today to continue.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Well here we go !
Friday, July 04, 2008
Where to Begin????
Sufficient for the size of the operation
Low, we need more executives
Ineffective and not true employees as most have come from outside of company in last 3 years. Too new to have buy-in to past company culture.
Publisher and next level of leadershipt haven proven to be impotent and incapable. Why haven't they all been replaced?
There is some extra VP's that can be cut. Not the real personnel who is getting the paper out on deadline.
too new to the newspaper industry to understand news and the relationships within the areas served by each paper.
We could save a lot of money by downsizing idiots who can only think of shrinking the paper and reducing the newsroom.
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Final statistics will be disclosed at close of survey on July 15th
Thursday, July 03, 2008
How Can Partners fire Partners?

NO, He said "You own this place now" 86.36% 57
He's Sam Zell. he's going to do whatever he wants, as long as it makes him richer.
1.52% 1
How about upper management take a cut in pay, to save money.
1.52% 1
no how can he borrow my money without my permision ?
1.52% 1
Should have never been allowed to leverage so much debt to buy Tribune.
1.52% 1
Number of respondents
Number or respondents who skipped this question
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Survey Update

In spite of this obvious intrusion, the survey is providing great perspective from you, the employees in the form of your write in answers. I will post all of the responses at the close of the survey on July 15th. I will also post some of the responses that warrant instant publishing rather than waiting for the close of the survey.
Thanks to all of you who already took the time to respond, here are some of your responses to the final question "If I really owned this place"
Get more reporters into the Greater L.A. communities we're supposed to cover and make the paper relevant to our readers ... insist on TIMELY reporting so we're the ones who break the news, not chase it; this is especially important for our stories online ... give plant employees a lounder voice to educate management and an ombusdman to see their ideas to fruition
Do all I could to restore the journalistic excellence, increase the community pride and stewardship in the paper, and continue to innovate to meet the growing needs of the diverse Southern California community.
Limit the amount an executive recieves to one years salary when leaving the company. Bring back paperboys hawking newspapers during rush hour, and even add an afternoon edition, as a method of increasing circulation.
Sell some fucking ads instead of fidgeting with editorail content
Invest in quality products and people that provide content that our readers really want.
Treat everybody fair and with respect..
Sell it to David Geffen.
If you haven't taken the survey yet, what are you waiting for? Do it now by clicking here.