Friday, July 29, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Newspaper Printing Consolidation Continues
With news that the Chicago Tribune has agreed to print the Chicago Sun-Times and seven of its suburban daily newspapers, it appears that the consolidation of printing within our industry will continue. The Chicago Tribune reports that when the Chicago Sun-Times plant closes its doors this fall, more than 400 union workers, from pressmen to drivers, will be out of work.
For a stunning look at up-to-date plant consolidations/closings click here.
As we are beginning to see in other cities, this news also signals an increased cooperation between once perceived rivals. The Chicago Tribune quoted Sun-Times Media Chairman Jeremy Halbreich as saying; "As the circulation has fallen, it just makes sense to do this...It reflects our economic reality," he said. "I am going to do anything that's necessary to continue to publish these newspapers, to keep our newspapers in business, and this clearly allows us to do that."
With the addition of eight Sun-Times products, the Tribune’s facility will print 15 different products a day including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Investor's Business Daily.
The Tribune reported that Becky Brubaker, senior vice president of manufacturing and distribution for Chicago Tribune Media Group, said the additional work should put the plant near capacity and will require additional staffing to meet production demands. "We look forward to employees from there applying for positions here," she said.
It should be noted that the Sun-Times plant is unionized and the Tribune facility employs mostly non-union workers. Pressmen and drivers are represented by Teamsters Local 706 at both the Tribune and Sun-Times plants. Likewise, machinists at both facilities are members of the International Association of Machinists Local 126. However, electricians at the Sun-Times plant are members of IBEW Local 134, but electricians the Tribune are not. Similarly, Sun-Times mailers and operating engineers are represented by the CWA and the IUOE while comparable positions at the Tribune are non-union.
As union officers, plant closings are one the most painful issues we deal with. With the possibility of some union members moving to non-union shops, this situation, as painful as it is, may create an opportunity for these newspaper unions to stem the loss of the closing. Let’s hope so.
Source Material: Chicago Tribune
In Related News: According to a story in Editor & Publisher, The Forward, one of the American Jewish world’s leading most important newspapers has signed a commercial printing agreement with New York Daily News. With the July 22 English-language edition and the July 15-21 Yiddish-language edition, the Forward will begin producing its entire national press run on Daily News presses in Jersey City, New Jersey. The Daily News is a union shop represented by GCC/IBT Local 2N.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Ruling may force Tribune Co. to shed assets | Marketing/media | Crain's Chicago Business
Friday, July 08, 2011
Sundays Meeting~New Time
This will allow our brothers and sisters working Saturday night to get enough rest before the meeting.
Executive Board Members are reminded to arrive early for our meeting scheduled to begin at 10:00am.
In Solidarity!
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Must See Teamster Convention T.V.
I was humbled, and honored when asked by our Whip, GCC/IBT Local 241M President, John (Jack) Noone, if I would like to address the Convention and make the motion * to adopt the Resolution making Iranian Bus Driver and President of the Tehran Bus Workers Union, Mansour Osanloo an Honorary Teamster for the inhumane treatment he suffered at the hands of the Iranian government for attempting to found a democratic trade union for his fellow bus drivers. When it was mentioned in the resolution that Brother Mansour has been released from prison, the convention body erupted in applause.
*(pgs. 36-37 of day two's proceedings)
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
General Meeting Information

As I mentioned in the previous post, there is myriad of information to be disclosed so ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend. Remember, your vote at every meeting is valuable and should be exercised or your voice won't be heard.
Local 140-N Update
Ken Hall~Ronnie Pineda~James Hoffa |
I was extremely surprised when told by General President Hoffa that he was closely watching our Anti-De-Cert Campaign and was very impressed when he knew the exact vote count. His message was to keep up the good work; I thanked General President Hoffa and gave him one of our new Local 140-N hats, he thanked us in Los Angeles and pledged his attention and continued support.
General President Hoffa and New, Secretary Treasurer, Ken Hall dominated the nominations and are guaranteed their positions for the next 5 years to lead the Teamsters. Their opposition at this years Convention was crushed at the polls. The opposing candidates low numbers upset many of the delegates for causing unnecessary election expenses for their Locals to bear knowing that their bids to unseat the Hoffa slate was futile.
I encourage everyone to visit the Teamster website to read about the important issues that are being addressed by our General President, James Hoffa and our Teamster International staff in the Legislative halls of Washington and many states across America. There is a War on Workers being waged by Corporate Billionaires and Republican Governors and The Teamsters are fighting back! Right To Work (for less) bills were introduced by 15 newly elected Republican Governors......ON THE SAME DAY! We cannot allow these rich SOB's to destroy America and our families to satisfy their gluttony and greed. To learn more on The war on Workers visit
Monday, July 04, 2011
Independence Day 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011
GCC/IBT Convention