Small Claims Court Commissioner Robert Harrison, to no surprise postponed our cases once again. This postponement is now scheduled for December 2, 2011 with the hope that the NLRB in Washington makes a decision in the De-Auth petition dismissal denying an election to remove the union security language from our CBA. No matter what, a decision will be made in December due to statute of limitations effecting the union's ability to collect dues that are considered in arrears had he dismissed without prejudice allowing the union to re-file once a decision is made in Washington.

The Defendants continue to argue that the union security language is "flawed" when in fact it is not. The defendants should be pleased that the contract gives them the option to become a Beck Objector as opposed to joining the union or termination. The fact that the union cannot seek termination for non-payment of dues is the reason the NLRB Regional Director, James Small dismissed the petition originally and that is what will prevent Washington from overturning the Regional decision.
This should be very easy to take care of with the full support of the membership by simply negotiating a closed shop and require membership and payment of dues to the union in order to work in our shop. We will address this at the table.
I am pleased to say that we did receive another disbursement from the International to aid in our legal costs, I along with NANC President Joseph Inemer presented our Local's legal statements to the International and President Tedeschi has approved and reimbursed 50% of the cost associated with defending our members and the contract.
The amount received by our Local has totaled over $25,000.00 to date.
Stay in the pursuit of fairness and we will have our day of reckoning, vote yes to keep your union!
In Solidarity,
Ronnie Pineda