Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Members and Officers of GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
The company has notified the union that there have been numerous questionable events taking place in recent months that lead them to believe that there are employees possibly creating dangerous and costly downtime incidents during production. For the record, the Union denies any such behavior.
It was brought to my attention that a reel arm bolt wrench found its way into the compactor and the wrench was propelled from the machine at a dangerous speed causing damage to the compactor, and more importantly, could have caused a serious injury, or possibly even death to employees that were in the area at the time. No one is being accused of intentionally placing the wrench in the waste container but management does not consider this an accident.
In the name of safety and cooperation, I must remind all bargaining unit employees that the Union does not condone nor do we support any behavior that would place another employee in harms way or interferes with production. Furthermore, the Union will not defend nor represent any individual found guilty of participating in any proscribed activity.
The following language pertains to this notice and should be understood and followed.
Section 3.1. No Strike. (a) During the term of this Agreement there shall be no strikes,
sympathy strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, boycotts, intentional interruption of
production, delays or suspension of work of any nature, and no other acts that interfere
with the Company’s operations or the production or sale of its products or services by the
Union, its officers, agents or members, or by the employees. During the term of this
Agreement there shall be no lockout of any employees by the Company.
(b) The Union agrees that it will take every effort possible to discourage, prevent and
end any strike or proscribed activity and will inform all employees who participate in
such activity that it is their individual responsibility.
(c) Any or all employees participating in any such activity proscribed herein shall be
subject to disciplinary action, including discharge. In the event that a grievance is filed
with respect to activity proscribed herein, the only question before the arbitrator shall be
whether the employee engaged in such proscribed activity. If the arbitrator finds that the
employee engaged in the proscribed activity, s/he shall have no authority to rescind or
otherwise modify the discipline imposed by the Employer.
In Solidarity,
Ronnie Pineda
GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
New Contract Highlights/Lowlights
- $1000.00 signing bonus
- 18 weeks of severance equaling approximately $20,000.00 per employee
- Retained 5th week of Vacation for eligible presspersons
- Maintained a 35 hour workweek, not 40 hours for same rate of pay.
- Union Shop language, Become a member or become terminated, No more Freeriders
- Dues to be deducted bi-weekly instead of monthly
- Six Month Disability Job Protection, includes 12 weeks under FMLA without threat of job loss
- "Me Too" Sick day conversion for up to 20 disability days of sick pay.
- Improved Arbitration Language to expedite our Grievances.
- Sick days will be paid the equivalent of 7 hours pay regardless of shift for a total of 35 hours per year.
- Union Leave of absence for Union Officers to conduct union business
- We now split arbitration costs instead of loser pays.
- Transparent vacation pick process.
- Continued Wage freeze. Flipside, No wage concessions!
- 8 Part-time employees. Flipside, hired from only our rank and file!
- If Severance is accepted, Recall is waived
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Meeting Reminder
Don't forget tomorrows Ratification meeting at 1:00 pm in La Mirada at the Holiday Inn directly across from the Elephant Bar on Firestone Blvd. The address is in the previous meeting post.
I apologize that this meeting could not be postponed and it is imperative that you attend and vote.
I will explain fully and give my perspective on our current situation at tomorrow's meeting so please make every effort to attend.
Ronnie Pineda
Thursday, December 08, 2011
International Representative, Mike Huggins notified company attorney, Amy Foran of the results of our recent ratification vote and brought our concerns and reasons for rejecting the proposed contract to her attention. Efforts were made by Rep. Huggin seeking to influence the company into at least modifying the proposed changes that would appease the members. The response was negative and we were informed that the company was not willing to change the previous offer and has now deemed the offer as their "LAST AND FINAL"
As a result, it was necessary that I call this emergency meeting to discuss the current situation and the options that were explored upon receiving the company's LAF. I will provide my perspective on the situation at the meeting and hope to have a good turnout. It is important to attend and VOTE.
The meeting will be held on Monday 12/12/2011 at the La Mirada Holiday Inn at 1:00 PM, directly across from the Elephant Bar (where we held our previous meeting) on the north side of the 5, Santa Ana Fwy, 14299 Firestone Blvd. La Mirada, Ca. 90638 the number in case you wish to call for directions is (714) 670-1685
In Solidarity,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Five positions available in Phoenix
Please contact me, President Pineda, at (562) 884-1456 and I will provide the information to contact Christine, President of the Local in Phoenix and she can give any interested parties the full details.
Interested parties can contact Arizona Republic H.R. Rep, Scott Rollins at (602) 444-7133 for full details regarding any remaining available job openings. One of the five positions has been filled.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Ratification Vote Results
The next step will be revealed soon.
Democracy In Action!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Ratification Meeting
A meeting has been scheduled on Monday November 21, 2011 at the Crowne Plaza Commerce Casino Hotel beginning at 1:00pm in the Diamond room on floor 1M.
All members should have received a hand delivered copy of the new contract and should take the opportunity to compare the changes.
International Representative, Mike Huggins will detail what those tentative agreements are and answer questions along with negotiating committee members Keith Denson, Mike Brierley and myself.
Bring your copy of the contract to the meeting. Contact Executive Vice President, Keith Denson or myself if you have not received yours.
The address once again is 6121 Telegraph Blvd. Commerce, Ca.
Travel safely, see you all Monday.
In Solidarity,
GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Ronnie Pineda
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Contract Review
If any member has changed his or her address recently, please notify Secretary Treasurer, Linard Williams or myself immediately and be sure to receive your copy.
Our ratification meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, November 21, 2011. Location and time to follow.
Ronnie Pineda
GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Negotiations Update Meeting
Negotiation Committee Members, Executive Vice President, Keith Denson, Executive Board Member, Mike Brierley and myself, President, Ronnie Pineda have scheduled an urgent meeting to discuss our current status in negotiations.
Monday, November 7,2011 at the Elephant Bar in La Mirada beginning at 1:00pm.
14303 Firestone Boulevard, La Mirada.
Interstate 5 (Santa Ana Fwy) Valley View exit, (North or South). The Restaurant is located on the north side of the fwy directly across from the Holiday Inn Express.
This is NOT a ratification meeting and is only for the purpose of informing Local 140-N members where we are and what comes next. A ratification meeting date will be determined at this meeting.
Ronnie Pineda
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Why Not Occupy Newsrooms?
October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Brother John Rickett is gone........
I just received unconfirmed news that brother John Rickett has passed away. Brother Padgett sent me a text this afternoon informing me of John's untimely passing. I dont have any details or cause of death and will forward the information as it becomes available. Please say a prayer for John and his family.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Boston Newspaper Printing Pressmen's Union Local No. 3: NLRB Finds Santa Barbara Newspaper Committed Multi...
NLRB Finds Santa Barbara Newspaper Committed Multi...: After years of battle at Santa Barbara News-Press, the GCC/IBT won a major victory today when the National Labor Relations Board unanimo...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Press Conference
We've been assured by the DOT that these trucks will be safe and that GPS units will track mexican trucks while in the U.S. The first problem with this is that American Taxpayers are going to foot the bill for this technology not the companies that these deathtrap trucks are owned by.
We will have no way of knowing whether the mexican trucks are hauling legitimate cargo or drugs and contraband! We have no idea whether the Mexican Truck behind us on the freeway is going to be able to stop in time, or stop at all for that matter. Has the mexican truck driver slept the required hours of sleep determined necessary to operate a tractor trailer safely? Are his tires in good shape? Brakes?
Now lets talk about emissions! These Mexican trucks do not and will not meet our clean air quality standards and will deposit tons of diesel smog into our air. The list of potential nightmares are endless and we need to put an end to this "Pilot Disaster" before the first American life is lost and another American Driver has lost his seat behind the wheel.
Contact your representatives and tell them you too are opposed to Mexican Trucks crossing our borders!
Teamster Members attending Press conference |
General President Hoffa talking with supportive members |
Teamster V.P. at Large, Rick Middleton, General President, James Hoffa Jr. GCC/IBT Local 140-N President Ron Pineda |
General President Hoffa addressing the media |
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Teamster Nation: VIDEO: Fox News gets a drubbing
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Temporary Secretary Position
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tribune seeks OK to continue management incentive plan
Under the plan, the company will pay $16.4 million if it achieves "threshold" performance of its planned consolidated operating cash flow, $32.4 million for "target" performance and $42.5 million for "maximum" performance.
Tribune, owner of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, said the incentive plan has been a key component of its compensation structure since 1997. The payout on the current plan is lower than the court approved 2009 and 2010 plans, it said.
In a court filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Del., the company said the approval of the plan "continues to be critically important to maintain proper incentives for the management team as the company strives to sustain its performance despite the strains of the Chapter 11 process."
Tribune Co. filed for bankruptcy protection in 2008, a year after billionaire real estate developer Sam Zell led a leveraged buyout. The deal loaded the company with about $8 billion in additional debt in a transaction financed in part by company contributions to an employee stock option plan.
The case is In Re Tribune Co., U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, No. 08-13141
Read more:
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Friday, August 12, 2011
Los Angeles Times to Layoff 10 in Pressroom
Why do we keep doing these things that make it so much easier for the company to lay more of us off.
When will we "Stop helping the company eliminate our jobs"!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
NLRB finds Santa Barbara newspaper committed multiple unfair labor practices.
After years of battle at Santa Barbara News-Press, the GCC/IBT won a major victory today when the National Labor Relations Board unanimously found that the publisher committed multiple unfair labor practices during a union organizing campaign by newsroom employees. The Board ordered Ampersand Publishing LLC to offer reinstatement to eight fired journalists and other among other remedies.
The GCC/IBT organizing campaign began in the summer of 2006 after 15 journalists resigned from the newspaper to protest what they claimed was interference with their reporting of the news. An election petition was filed in August of 2006 by GCC employees voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Union.
In addition to reinstatement, the Board ordered the News-Press to cease and desist from the illegal activity, rescind discriminatory evaluations of four union supporters; rescind suspension notices sent to eleven employees; and make all discriminated employees whole with backpay awards.
In a highly unusual step, Chairman Liebman and Member Becker also ordered that a senior management official read, or be present at the reading of, the complete NLRB notice to be posted. Read the full decision here.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Montreal Gazette Locks Out 100 Employees
Friday, July 29, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Newspaper Printing Consolidation Continues
With news that the Chicago Tribune has agreed to print the Chicago Sun-Times and seven of its suburban daily newspapers, it appears that the consolidation of printing within our industry will continue. The Chicago Tribune reports that when the Chicago Sun-Times plant closes its doors this fall, more than 400 union workers, from pressmen to drivers, will be out of work.
For a stunning look at up-to-date plant consolidations/closings click here.
As we are beginning to see in other cities, this news also signals an increased cooperation between once perceived rivals. The Chicago Tribune quoted Sun-Times Media Chairman Jeremy Halbreich as saying; "As the circulation has fallen, it just makes sense to do this...It reflects our economic reality," he said. "I am going to do anything that's necessary to continue to publish these newspapers, to keep our newspapers in business, and this clearly allows us to do that."
With the addition of eight Sun-Times products, the Tribune’s facility will print 15 different products a day including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Investor's Business Daily.
The Tribune reported that Becky Brubaker, senior vice president of manufacturing and distribution for Chicago Tribune Media Group, said the additional work should put the plant near capacity and will require additional staffing to meet production demands. "We look forward to employees from there applying for positions here," she said.
It should be noted that the Sun-Times plant is unionized and the Tribune facility employs mostly non-union workers. Pressmen and drivers are represented by Teamsters Local 706 at both the Tribune and Sun-Times plants. Likewise, machinists at both facilities are members of the International Association of Machinists Local 126. However, electricians at the Sun-Times plant are members of IBEW Local 134, but electricians the Tribune are not. Similarly, Sun-Times mailers and operating engineers are represented by the CWA and the IUOE while comparable positions at the Tribune are non-union.
As union officers, plant closings are one the most painful issues we deal with. With the possibility of some union members moving to non-union shops, this situation, as painful as it is, may create an opportunity for these newspaper unions to stem the loss of the closing. Let’s hope so.
Source Material: Chicago Tribune
In Related News: According to a story in Editor & Publisher, The Forward, one of the American Jewish world’s leading most important newspapers has signed a commercial printing agreement with New York Daily News. With the July 22 English-language edition and the July 15-21 Yiddish-language edition, the Forward will begin producing its entire national press run on Daily News presses in Jersey City, New Jersey. The Daily News is a union shop represented by GCC/IBT Local 2N.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Ruling may force Tribune Co. to shed assets | Marketing/media | Crain's Chicago Business
Friday, July 08, 2011
Sundays Meeting~New Time
This will allow our brothers and sisters working Saturday night to get enough rest before the meeting.
Executive Board Members are reminded to arrive early for our meeting scheduled to begin at 10:00am.
In Solidarity!
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Must See Teamster Convention T.V.
I was humbled, and honored when asked by our Whip, GCC/IBT Local 241M President, John (Jack) Noone, if I would like to address the Convention and make the motion * to adopt the Resolution making Iranian Bus Driver and President of the Tehran Bus Workers Union, Mansour Osanloo an Honorary Teamster for the inhumane treatment he suffered at the hands of the Iranian government for attempting to found a democratic trade union for his fellow bus drivers. When it was mentioned in the resolution that Brother Mansour has been released from prison, the convention body erupted in applause.
*(pgs. 36-37 of day two's proceedings)
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
General Meeting Information

As I mentioned in the previous post, there is myriad of information to be disclosed so ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend. Remember, your vote at every meeting is valuable and should be exercised or your voice won't be heard.
Local 140-N Update
Ken Hall~Ronnie Pineda~James Hoffa |
I was extremely surprised when told by General President Hoffa that he was closely watching our Anti-De-Cert Campaign and was very impressed when he knew the exact vote count. His message was to keep up the good work; I thanked General President Hoffa and gave him one of our new Local 140-N hats, he thanked us in Los Angeles and pledged his attention and continued support.
General President Hoffa and New, Secretary Treasurer, Ken Hall dominated the nominations and are guaranteed their positions for the next 5 years to lead the Teamsters. Their opposition at this years Convention was crushed at the polls. The opposing candidates low numbers upset many of the delegates for causing unnecessary election expenses for their Locals to bear knowing that their bids to unseat the Hoffa slate was futile.
I encourage everyone to visit the Teamster website to read about the important issues that are being addressed by our General President, James Hoffa and our Teamster International staff in the Legislative halls of Washington and many states across America. There is a War on Workers being waged by Corporate Billionaires and Republican Governors and The Teamsters are fighting back! Right To Work (for less) bills were introduced by 15 newly elected Republican Governors......ON THE SAME DAY! We cannot allow these rich SOB's to destroy America and our families to satisfy their gluttony and greed. To learn more on The war on Workers visit
Monday, July 04, 2011
Independence Day 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011
GCC/IBT Convention

Friday, July 01, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Teamster Vice President at Large Nominations
The nominations for Vice Presidents at Large have begun this morning and it is an experience. Hoffa has opposition at this years Convention. The Delegates for the Hoffa Hall slate dominate the convention hall and are making it known when a nomination for Candidates on the opposing slates attempt to nominate their candidates.
Our International President George Tedeschi is currently a Vice President at large on the Teamster Executive Board in Washington and a Candidate for re-election at this Convention on The Hoffa Hall slate.
Our local supports the Hoffa/Hall slate.
Fraternally and In Solidarity!
Ronnie Pineda
President, GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Monday, June 27, 2011
The new Teamster "WHO WE ARE" publication.
The new Teamster publication which is circulated all over the world to let every one know "WHO WE ARE" has honored our shop and Brother Gerald Leavenworth. Gerald's picture is shown inside the book under Graphic Communications Conference informing all who read it who we are, and also on the back cover! Way to go Levi! I'm bringing home a copy for you to autograph for me!
President Obama Addresses Teamster Convention
The President of the United States pledged to stand beside the working men and women of America and does not support the war on workers.
2011 Teamsters Convention
The 2011 Teamster Convention has begun! Delegates from across the US, Canada and Puerto Rico are in attendance. Workers from all over are being represented at this convention. I am both honored and proud to be here representing my Brothers and Sisters in the Pressroom at the Los Angeles Times!
Fraternally and in Solidarity,
Ronnie Pineda,
GCC/IBT Local 140-N
Friday, June 24, 2011
7 hour shift decision in favor of Local 140-N
I received notice from our Attorney Adam Stern and Executive Vice President Denson early yesterday informing me that our Local won our 7 hour grievance in Arbitration. First of all I need to thank all of our members that voted to keep our Union and more importantly, your patience for this decision. Believe me, nobody wanted this victory more than our faithful Executive Board Members! This my Brothers and Sisters is what a Union is about, sticking together for what is right and standing up for the respect every one of in our trade deserves! CONGRATULATIONS!
Fraternally and in Solidarity,
President, Ronnie Pineda
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
Staying Union !
I have Just received a mailing from Lee Cary, Stating all the things, we lost being union and all to try not being union for a year. Well that’s very interesting. Do you realize what that really means .Things like Being a fire at will employee, Hours changed at will (40 a week instead of 35) wages subject to change .possible part time employees taking the place of fulltime employees and the good one is no recourse for actions taken against us.
There are 55 yes 55 grievances file as of now !Wow you would have to ask yourself what is going on. Yet we are told they are no good ,trivial, mistaken issues .OK 55 of them lol this is how Lee says you will be taken care of ! I put my trust in solidarity and what we can accomplish together .I do not put anything to chance ! Vote yes to keep our union !!!!
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Civil Court Update

This should be very easy to take care of with the full support of the membership by simply negotiating a closed shop and require membership and payment of dues to the union in order to work in our shop. We will address this at the table.
I am pleased to say that we did receive another disbursement from the International to aid in our legal costs, I along with NANC President Joseph Inemer presented our Local's legal statements to the International and President Tedeschi has approved and reimbursed 50% of the cost associated with defending our members and the contract.
The amount received by our Local has totaled over $25,000.00 to date.
Stay in the pursuit of fairness and we will have our day of reckoning, vote yes to keep your union!
In Solidarity,
Ronnie Pineda
Sunday, May 29, 2011
New Hats Proof
Executive Vice President, Keith Denson will be sporting the new
GCC/IBT Local 140-N proof cap I received on Friday afternoon. If you haven't reserved your cap yet, sign up with Keith. I expect the caps to arrive within the next week or two so sign up now. If you already signed up for yours, be sure to check out the Exec. V.P.s and let me know what you think of the design. I wanted to design a cap that everyone in the shop would be proud to wear on the job to display your solidarity!
President Pineda
Saturday, May 28, 2011
General Meeting Tomorrow
I know its a holiday weekend but our Local is at stake and it necessary that we meet prior to next weeks election. We will be brief and move along quickly to keep the meeting to a minimum and take care of our business. I have ordered the usual refreshments and drinks and plan to hold the raffles we have been having at recent meetings.
See you tomorrow at 11:00am at Crowne Plaza Commerce Casino!
Friday, May 20, 2011